Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Relay For Life

I am the marketing/publicity chair for the Stow/Munroe Falls Relay For Life. I ask myself, how did this happen? Am I up to the task? Will I embarrass myself? I have never even been to a relay for life.

I am going to dedicate this to Uncle Joe. He was such a complicated man, but he was so good to me. He died almost 4 years ago. It was an amazing fight up to the very end and taught me so much about death and dying with grace.

Don't get me wrong, he was miserly and cranky, and set in his ways. His nose spray that he made my mom concoct because he did not want to spend $2.00 a bottle, the shirts that he was mad that Ann and Laura got rid of even though they were falling apart. The fact that he wanted me to go to Goodwill of the Salvation Army to get him new ones because he wasn't going to spend top dollar for new ones. If something cost $2.93, he would make sure you got your seven cents back, and he expected the same in return. I told him I was good for a stick of deoderant but he paid me back after asking for the receipt. But he was also generous with his love and compassion and showed me a better way to be. He is the one that finally got through to me that life doesn't have to be as hard as I was making it.

That was the best gift that anyone has ever given me. I wish he was still here to keep telling me. I wish he was still here so that Ryan could know him. I think they would have really enjoyed each other.

So here is to you Uncle Joe. You will never be forgotten.