Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Skunk Bottom

Last Monday Ryan started Play And Learn Preschool. This was a monumental day for us as he has been so excited to start school and get homework like Colin. When he woke up that morning I asked him what he wanted to wear because he was starting school. His reply was that he didn't think so. Meaning he didn't think he was going to go to school that day. After we discussed that for about 20 minutes we decided to let that arguement go and move on to what snack he would take.

We walked up to the kitchen and I started to name his choices. It had to be a healthy snack that did not have crumbs. I started with a cheese stick then moved on to a muffin, wheat thins, pretzels, yogurt, apple, banana, and so on. Finally, giving in to frustration I said that he was getting Cheese nips and that was that. He said in a way that only Ryan can that he couldn't take them because they tasted like skunk bottom. Confused I asked him what he meant. He said that they tasted like the taste that gets in your mouth when you drive by a dead skunk. At this point I am beyond frustrated and we had been having the snack conversation for about 10 minutes and it was getting close to time to leave. I said that Cheese Nips could not possibly taste like skunk bottom. At the same time I was thinking that I had never tasted skunk bottom. I said that I would eat one and he would eat one and that I was sure that they did not taste that bad. I ate one and it wasn't that bad and I told him so. His reply was "wait for it." I'll be damned but a few seconds later I got an after taste that tasted exactly like the taste you get in your mouth when you drive by a dead skunk.

My new favorate reply when something tastes bad is that it tastes like skunk ass.

The drop off was a bit dicey but he did get out of the car. No tears were spilled by either of us, and when I called Lynn later to see how it went he said it was great!

We will never buy Cheese Nips again. I don't care if they are on sale.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Things you never think you will say...

Now that I am a mother, especially of boys, I find myself saying things I never thought I would say. For instance, one I have to repeat over and over is "nobody can be naked in my kitchen." I think that should be self explanitory. Apparently I am wrong. All three of them walk through my kitchen in various stages of undress. ALL THE TIME.

Another one would be "don't sit on your brother's head." I have managed to make it through 38 years and have never wrestled for the fun of it. My boys can not be in the same room for 38 seconds before one of them starts poking at the other. It starts with a look, then a jab, a kick, a slap, and before I can blink it is no holds barred to the death for them.

This is something that I will be updating as they happen.